UNU Manual of Editing and Writing Style — Table of Contents
Introducing the new Manual of UNU Editorial Style.
Some general editorial guidance and best practices.
Rules for writing common UNU system names and acronyms.
How to use and punctuate acronyms, contractions and suspensions.
Tips on capitalisation: job titles, academic degrees, government units
Advice on how to punctuate properly.
Tips on handling quotations
Tips on writing whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, dates, and time.
Some additional tips.
Access to all institute logo artwork and descriptions of the data formats provided.
Access to UNU logo artwork and descriptions of the data formats provided.
A description of UNU's institute logo and basic usage guidelines.
A description of the UNU logo and basic usage guidelines.
Background information on the development path of UNU's visual identity.
Notes and guidelines on using the visual identity information and assets.
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